• No : 21531
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:28
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Countermeasure against the fault occurrence

1. Reaction of the FR-A500 inverter using CC-Link to a communication fault is described as "Data communication: Stop, Inverter: Stop". Is this "stop" deceleration stop or coasting to stop?
2. If it is deceleration stop, is it necessary to use the output stop (MRS) input to start coasting and then use the machine's brake to stop the inverter?
Category : 


When a CC-Link communication fault occurs, the option error (OP3) occurs on the inverter and the output is shut off, and the motor starts coasting.

When using a mechanical brake, use the output stop (MRS) signal to shut off the output.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category
Plug-in option