• No : 21438
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:27
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Countermeasure against error

The "OV3" error occurs. What can I do in addition to extending the deceleration time?
For example, can I suppress this error by attaching a discharging resistor (high-duty brake resistor)?
Category : 


The inverter alarm "OV3" occurs when the main circuit DC voltage inside the inverter goes higher than the preset value due to the regenerative power returned from the motor to the inverter during deceleration.
You can take the following countermeasures against this alarm:
1. Set the deceleration time (Pr.8) longer.
2. Use a regenerative braking mechanism such as the brake resistor or brake unit.
Taking these two countermeasures in accordance with the total inertia of the load GD2 resolves the alarm "OV3".
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category