• No : 22064
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:30
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FR-BSF01 wiring

When the line noise filter FR-BSF01 is used on the output side of the inverter, the manual instructs not to wind the cable more than 3 times (4T). Does this winding the cable 3 times (4T) have the maximum effect?
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The filtering effect is higher as the cable is wound more.
However, if the cable is wound more than 4T on the inverter output side, since the inverter's output is PWM waveform, the filter may become too hot.
This high temperature may exceed the heat-resistant temperature of the cable coating. Therefore wind the cable on the inverter output side up to 4T.
Note that the winding count on the input side is not restricted.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category
Noise filter