• No : 22649
  • Release Date : 2018/09/03 17:29
  • Update : 2018/09/21 11:45
  • Print

Turning ON/OFF annunciators (F)

The data in the following special registers does not change when annunciators (F) are turned ON/OFF using MOV instructions.

- SD62(Annunciator number)
- SD63(Number of annunciators)
- SD64 to SD79(Table of detected annunciator numbers)
How do I change the data in the special registers above?
Category : 


The data in the special registers SD62 to SD79 change with the following process.

- Turn ON the registers with OUT and SET instructions.
- Turn OFF the registers with a RST instruction.
- Execute an LEDR instruction.
The data cannot be changed using MOV instructions. Use above instructions to turn ON/OFF annunciators (F).
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