• No : 22705
  • Release Date : 2018/09/03 17:29
  • Update : 2018/09/26 16:34
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A/D conversions performed by Q64AD/Q68ADV/Q68ADI

How do I calculate the number of processing repetitions/processing time of sampling processing and averaging processing of Q64AD/Q68ADV/Q68ADI?
Category : 


(1) Sampling processing
      - Without the temperature drift compensation function
        Processing time = Number of channels used x 80 (us/1 channel)
      - With the temperature drift compensation function
        Processing time = Number of channels used x 80 (us/1 channel) + 160 us

(2) When averaging processing is specified for the set amount of time
      - Without the temperature drift compensation function
        Number of processing repetitions = (Set time x 1000) / (Number of channels used x 80 (us/1 channel))
      - With the temperature drift compensation function
        Number of processing repetitions = (Set time x 1000) / (Number of channels used x 80 (us/1 channel)) + 160us

(3) When the averaging processing is specified for the set number of times
      - Without the temperature drift compensation function
        Processing time = Set number of times x (Number of channels used x 80) / 1000 (ms)
      - With the temperature drift compensation function
        Processing time = Set number of times x {(Number of channels used x 80) +160} / 1000 (ms)
Product Name
A / D Conversion Module