• No : 22711
  • Release Date : 2018/09/03 17:29
  • Update : 2018/09/22 08:58
  • Print

SD memory cards used for Q24DHCCPU-V

Which SD memory cards does Q24DHCCPU-V support?
Category : 


Mitsubishi Electric's SD memory cards, which can be installed into Q24DHCCPU-V, are shown below.
 - NZ1MEM-2GBSD (memory capacity: 2Gbytes)
 - NZ1MEM-4GBSD (memory capacity: 4Gbytes)
 - NZ1MEM-8GBSD (memory capacity: 8Gbytes)
 - NZ1MEM-16GBSD (memory capacity: 16Gbytes)
 - L1MEM-2GBSD (memory capacity: 2Gbytes) (Discontinued production in July 2015)
 - L1MEM-4GBSD (memory capacity: 4Gbytes) (Discontinued production in July 2015)

For installable non-Mitsubishi products, refer to the following technical bulletin.
 - C Controller module applicable product information
Product Name
C Language Controller