• No : 22971
  • Release Date : 2018/09/03 17:31
  • Update : 2018/09/25 13:24
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Link register assignments in MELSECNET/10 networks

Is the following procedure possible?
The Link Register LW0 to 100 of MELSECNET/10 is assigned to station 1 and station 2. Then, set them to refresh with W0 to W100 of the each stations' respective CPU.
(1) Station 1 sends the data in W0 to W100 of CPU 1 to station 2.
(2) Station 2 receives the data, perform some calculations, stores value in W0 to W100 of CPU 2, and transfer data to CPU 1.
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For any type of MELSECNET network (II, /10, and H), B and W devices with the same number cannot be used for multiple stations as write areas.

Following the cyclic communication specification of the MELSECNET, the parameter assigns the areas to which each station writes (sends) data.

For the LB/LW devices assigned to a host station, refresh is performed from the CPU module to the link module. For the LB/LW devices assigned to another station, refresh is performed from the link module to the CPU module.
If data is written to an area assigned to another station using an instruction in a program, the data in the area is momentarily overwritten at the execution of the instruction, but subsequently overwritten with data from another station by the link module at link refresh.
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