• No : 23480
  • Release Date : 2018/09/14 15:06
  • Update : 2018/09/25 18:11
  • Print

Canceling the screen gesture mode


You can cancel the screen gesture mode by the following methods.

・ Touch the screen gesture mode selector switch (key code: FF90).
・ Touch the full scale display (100%) switch (key code: FF91).
・ Switch to the utility screen.
・ Switch to the base screen.
・ Authorize VCN client when the GOT remote access function (VNC server function) is used.
・ Disable the authorization of the GOT network interaction function.

* Place the screen gesture mode selector switch outside the screen gesture active area.
* The full scale display (100%) switch is supported by GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version 1.105K or later.
* The GOT network interaction function is supported by GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version 1.144A or later.
Product Name
Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT
Product Category
GOT function (gesture)
GOT2000 Series