• No : 21518
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:28
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Driving German pole change motor by inverter

I want to drive a German pole change motor with an inverter.
The specifications are 15/4P 0.04/0.3 kW 200 V 60 Hz.
Only the connection diagram is available for reference, and even the motor characteristic curve is not available. (Available materials are written in German.) Can you judge if I can drive this motor from the above information?
Category : 


I cannot tell whether or not you can drive the motor because the electrical specifications are not clear.  
It is considered that you may drive the pole change motor by fixing the number of poles to four and adjusting voltage under V/F control. However, it is not clear whether you can draw the characteristics of the motor.  
Choose the inverter current capacity 1.1 times or more of the motor rated current.
As it is manufactured overseas (German) motor 10 years ago, it may not be resistant against the inverter surge voltage. I recommend not to use it.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive