• No : 22189
  • Release Date : 2018/08/27 16:41
  • Update : 2020/04/13 09:26
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Active energy (lower digit indication) display upon communication test of MODBUS RTU/TCP communication (ME96SS series).

When the active energy setting is set to 12-digit display on the communication test mode, how is the displayed value?
Category : 


Regardless of setting, the value of the default digit length is replied.
When the register address “1304” for 6-digit display is set, the value varies with the full load.
As for the register address with a fixed unit, the value is displayed with 9-digit.
Register address for 9-digit display: “1309”, “1408” and “1426”
In detail, please refer to this category No.5.
Product Name
Electronic Multi-Measuring Instrument
ME96SS series