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  • No : 23444
  • Release Date : 2018/09/14 15:06
  • Update : 2018/09/26 17:00
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Ethernet connection between the GOT and multiple QnUDVCPUs

I want to connect a GOT2000 series model and multiple QnUDVCPUs by Ethernet by using the built-in Ethernet port.
How can I set it?
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The following describes an example of settings to connect a GT27, GT25, or GT21 model (Ethernet connection model) and Ethernet ports built in multiple QnUDVCPUs by Ethernet.

1. Configure the following settings in GT Designer3 (GOT2000).
◆ For GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version1.100E or later
 (1) Select [Common] → [Controller Setting] → [CH1] from the menu.
   Controller Type: MELSEC-Q/QS, Q17nD/M/NC/DR, CRnD-700
   I/F: Ethernet:Multi
   (For GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version1.170C or later, Standard I/F(Ethernet): Multi)
   Driver: Ethernet(MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC), Gateway
   (For GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version1.178L or earlier, Ethernet (MELSEC), Q17nNC, CRnD-700, Gateway)
   GOT Net No.: 1
   GOT Station: 18
 (2) Select [Common] → [Controller Setting] → [CH1] → [Ethernet Controller Setting] from the menu.
   Host: *
   Net No.: 1 (example)
   Station: 1 (example)
   Unit Type: QnUD(P)V/QnUDEH
   IP address
   Port No. 5006
   Communication: UDP
 (3) Select [Common] → [GOT Ethernet Setting] → [GOT IP Address Setting] → [Standard Port] from the menu.
 (For GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version1.170C or earlier, select [Common] → [Controller Setting] → [CH1] → [GOT Standard Ethernet Setting] from the menu.)
   GOT IP address:
   Subnet Mask:
 (4) Set a different station number and IP address for (3) above for each CPU.
  Set "*" for the host station of only one CPU.  

2. Configure the following settings in GX Works2.
 (1) Select [Parameter] → [PLC parameter] → [Built-in Ethernet Port Setting] from the menu.
   IP address:
   Subnet Mask Pattern:
 (2) Select [Parameter] → [PLC parameter] → [Built-in Ethernet Port Setting] → [Open Setting] from the menu.
   Protocol: UDP
   Open System: MELSOFT Connection (Set this item for each GOT.)
 (3) Set a different IP address for (1) and (2) above for each CPU.

For the details, refer to the following.

・ GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric Products) For GT Works3 Version1 (SH-081197ENG)
 "5.3 GOT Side Settings"
 "5.4 PLC Side Setting"
Product Name
Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT
Product Category
GOT function (communication)
GOT2000 Series

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