• No : 20949
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:25
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Replacement of the SF-JR with the SF-PR

I drive the SF-JR under V/F control with the FR-A500 series. What do I have to pay attention to when replacing only the motor SF-JR with the SF-PR?
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Since the SF-PR is more efficient compared to the SF-JR, the resistance will decrease and the load current will increase. Check the following two points when the motor is driven under V/F control. 1. Torque boost (Pr.0) Measure the current peak value at a start and adjust the parameter so that the peak value becomes the rated current.* hen the 800 series is used and the setting value is not changed from the initial value, the automatic setting by setting Pr.71 to "70" is available. 2. DC brake (Pr.12) Adjust the parameter so that the current value during DC injection brake operation becomes the same as the value before the motor is changed.* When the 800 series is used and the setting value is not changed from the initial value, the automatic setting by setting Pr.71 to "70" is available.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category