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Factory Automation

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  • No : 21986
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:30
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Inverter setup

I want to use the FR-SW0-SETUP-WJ to set up the F540 (3.7 k), but communication is not established.
Do I need to set any parameter?
I have already changed Pr.122 to 9999.
The cable is the inverter CAB manufactured by Diatrend.
PC: Dynabook, OS: Windows 95
Category : 


Set the parameters below. For other parameters, keep the initial settings.

1. Set Pr.122 (Communication check time interval) to other than "0". ("9999" is OK.)
2. Set Pr.117 (Inverter station number) to the inverter's station number and set the communication software to the same station number.

These settings allow for communication. If you want to change the communication conditions, change the inverter's parameters accordingly.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category
Inverter setup software
Engineering software

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