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- FAQ > Low-voltage Power Distribution Products > Power Management Meters > Electrical Indicators > Compatibility between present model and new model for the CC-Link (ME96SS series).
Compatibility between present model and new model for the CC-Link (ME96SS series).
When the present model (ME96NSR + ME-0040C-NS96) is updated to the new model (ME96SSRB + ME-0040C-SS96), is the CC-Link compatible with the new model?
ME96NSR + ME-0040C-NS96 -> ME96SSRB + ME-0040C-SS96
ME96NSR + ME-0040C-NS96 -> ME96SSRB + ME-0040C-SS96
The CC-Link is compatible with the new model.
- Product Name
- Electronic Multi-Measuring Instrument
- Series
- ME96SS series