• No : 21635
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:28
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Difference from FREQROL-A200 (EXCELLENT) series

What are the differences from the FREQROL-A200 (EXCELLENT)?
Category : 


The following features are added to the FREQROL-A200 (EXCELLENT):
- PI control without an option
- Inverter electronic bypass sequenceThe following functions of the FREQROL-A200 (EXCELLENT) are not provided:
- Magnetic flux vector control
- Auto tuning
- Intelligent mode (shortest acceleration/deceleration, lift)
- Regenerative brake resistor (external installation is also not allowed)
- FR-EPA option installation
The permissible overload is reduced from the FREQROL-A200 (EXCELLENT). The size is reduced by one rank except for some capacities. The size is reduced by one rank except for some capacities.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category