• No : 21880
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:29
  • Print

Running frequency setting

I would like to know about Pr.338 (Communication operation command source) and Pr.339 (Communication speed command source) for CC-Link communication.  
Category : 


Pr.338 is for the communication operation command source at communication operation and specifies the command source to supply the start signal.
Pr.339 is for the speed command source at communication operation and specifies the command source to supply the frequency setting signal.
These two parameters are not effective in other than communication operation mode (NET mode).
A simple method to put the inverter in the NET mode is to set Pr.340 = 1 and Pr.79 = 0.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category
FR-E700, FR-A700, FR-F700P, FR-F700