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  • No : 22118
  • Release Date : 2018/08/27 16:41
  • Update : 2018/09/07 11:47
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Extension of current sensor cable (EcoMonitorPlus/Light).

Instruct a method for extending the cable between EcoMonitorPlus/EcoMonitorLight and split-type 5A current sensor (Model: EMU2-CT5, EMU2-CT5-4W).
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Use an extension cable (Model: EMU2-CB-T1M / EMU2-CB-T5M/EMU2-CB-T10M / EMU2-CB-T1MS / EMU2-CB-T5MS / EMU2-CB-T10MS) for extending the cable between EcoMonitorPlus / EcoMonitorLight and split-type 5A current sensor.
It is extendable up to maximum 10m (Total interconnection length is 10.5m).
It is connected by phase wire system as follows:

1. In case of Single-phase 2-wire system / Single-phase 3-wire system / Three-phase 3-wire system.

2. In case of Three-phase 4 wire system.
* Two cables are included in the extension cable (separate type). It is possible to use two cables in combination.
Ex. Buy 5m of an extension cable (separate type) so as to make 10m cable by combining two cables.
Product Name
Energy Measuring Units
EcoMonitor Plus, EcoMonitorLight

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