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Factory Automation

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  • No : 22124
  • Release Date : 2018/08/27 16:41
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As to periodic electric energy (EcoMonitorPlus/Light).

What does "Periodic electric energy" mean?
Category : 


It means an integrated electric energy (consumption) while an external input (contact input) is ON.
It is a measurement element different from the electric energy.
It is measurable using below device:

1. EcoMonitorLight
High Performance Model (Model: EMU4-HD1-MB)

2. EcoMonitorPlus
Energy Measuring High Performance Model (Model: EMU4-HM1-MB)
Energy Measuring Extension Model for Same Voltage System (Model: EMU4-A2)
Energy Measuring Extension Model for Different Voltage System (Model: EMU4-VA2)
Product Name
Energy Measuring Units
EcoMonitor Plus, EcoMonitorLight

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