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  • No : 24699
  • Release Date : 2019/02/27 08:58
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Latch (backup) areas in the data register (D) and extended register (R) of the FX3U/FX3UC series

Which areas in the data register (D) and extended register (R) of the FX3U/FX3UC series can be latched?
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D200 to D7999 and R0 to R32767 can be latched.
D200 to D511 can be set as non-latch areas in parameters.
For details on the parameter setting, refer to the following.

Section 2.7.9 (3 Setting devices) in the FX3S/FX3G/FX3GC/FX3U/FX3UC Series Programmable Controllers Programming Manual [Basic & Applied Instruction Edition] (Manual number: JY997D16601)
Product Name
Product Category
Main unit, Engineering Software, GX Works2, GX Developer
MELSEC-F series

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