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Factory Automation

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  • No : 21139
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:26
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The Instruction Manual (Detailed) of the FR-V500 includes the following description on page 45 and 46; when connecting a dedicated motor of the SF-V5RU1, 3, 4, "set the tuning data after performing offline auto tuning". Does it make any difference to set the tuning data without tuning? Although it is not mentioned in the Instruction Manual of the FR-A700, does this apply to the FR-A700 as well?
Category : 


Setting the tuning data without tuning makes no difference. The tuning method of the FR-A700 is different from that of V500. Tuning can be performed by setting Pr.71 to "13". (No setting of tuning data is required as V500.)
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category
FR-A700, FR-V500

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