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  • No : 21489
  • Release Date : 2018/08/22 16:27
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Speed fluctuation ratio

What is the speed fluctuation ratio for the following combination of the FR-V200 and FR-A200?
1. When using the FR-V200 + dedicated motor (with an encoder):
- Speed fluctuation ratio around 60 Hz
- Speed fluctuation ratio around 6 Hz
2. When using the FR-A200 + inverter motor:
- Speed fluctuation ratio around 60 Hz
- Speed fluctuation ratio around 6 Hz
Category : 


1. Speed fluctuation ratio when using the FR-V200 + dedicated motor (with an encoder) The vector inverter FR-V200 detects speed by the encoder and speed fluctuation due to slip of the motor can be compensated.
  Therefore, when the inverter is set to the maximum speed and the motor rotates under the load changing from 0 to 100%, the speed fluctuation ratio when the speed is set by the digital input: ±0.01%.The speed fluctuation ratio under the same condition when the speed is set by the analog input: ±0.1%.

2. Speed fluctuation ratio of the FR-A200 + inverter motor The general-purpose inverter FR-A200 can compensate motor's slippage by performing the magnetic flux vector control operation.
  At this time, the speed fluctuation ratio is 1% or less (at 60 Hz). The fluctuation ratio gets even worse within the low-speed range.
Product Name
Inverter, magnet motor drive
Product Category
FR-A200, FR-V200

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