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Factory Automation

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  • No : 23578
  • Release Date : 2018/09/14 15:09
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CUP type of stand-alone Motion controller

What PLC CPU specification is equivalent to that of the stand- alone Motion controller?
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The following shows the specification for the PLC CPU area.
Q170MSCPU: Equivalent to PLC CPU "Q03UDCPU"
           • Program capacity: 30k steps
           • LD instruction processing speed: 0.02μs
Q170MSCPU-S1: Equivalent to PLC CPU "Q06UDHCPU"
           • Program capacity: 60k steps
           • LD instruction processing speed 0.0095μs
Q170MCPU: Equivalent to PLC CPU "Q03UDCPU" I53 Program capacity: 20k steps
           • LD instruction processing speed 0.02μs
Product Name
Motion controller

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