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- FAQ > Drive Products > AC Servos-MELSERVO > MELSERVO-J4 > “off” is shown in the display.
“off” is shown in the display.
The “off” is shown in the MR-J4-B servo amplifier display (3-digit, 7-segment LED). What status is this?
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Operation mode for manufacturer setting is enabled.
For MR-J4-B, MR-J4W2-B and MR-J4W3-B, turning "ON (up)" all the control axis setting switches (SW2) enables an operation mode for manufacturer setting and displays "off". Set the control axis setting switches (SW2) correctly referring to the servo amplifier instruction manual.
For MR-J4-B, MR-J4W2-B and MR-J4W3-B, turning "ON (up)" all the control axis setting switches (SW2) enables an operation mode for manufacturer setting and displays "off". Set the control axis setting switches (SW2) correctly referring to the servo amplifier instruction manual.
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