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- FAQ > Drive Products > AC Servos-MELSERVO > MELSERVO-J4 > Total capacity of servo amplifier to be connected to power regeneration common converter
Total capacity of servo amplifier to be connected to power regeneration common converter
When the total capacity of servo amplifier to be connected to FR-CV power regeneration common converter is like that of system which all axes do not operate at the same time, can I select the total capacity of the servo amplifier which all axes do?
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Select the total capacity of the servo amplifier to be connected.
For selecting combination of FR-CV power regeneration common converter and servo amplifier capacities, you need to consider the inrush current, etc. at power-on as well as during the operation. Refer to the servo amplifier instruction manual for selecting the total capacity and select the total capacity of the servo amplifier to be connected as specified.
For selecting combination of FR-CV power regeneration common converter and servo amplifier capacities, you need to consider the inrush current, etc. at power-on as well as during the operation. Refer to the servo amplifier instruction manual for selecting the total capacity and select the total capacity of the servo amplifier to be connected as specified.
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