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- FAQ > Drive Products > AC Servos-MELSERVO > MELSERVO-J4 > MR-J4(W)-B mode selection application
MR-J4(W)-B mode selection application
Where can I find the MR-J4(W)-B mode selection application in MR Configurator2?
- Category :
From Start menu of Windows >, click [All Programs] > - [MELSOFT Application] > - [MR Configurator2] > and you can find “MR-J4(W)-B mode selection” under MR Configurator2.
When you use MR-J4(W)-B servo amplifier operated in MR-J3-B compatibility mode with SSCNETIII/H compatible controller, you have to change it to J4 mode using MR-J4(W)-B mode selection application.
When you use MR-J4(W)-B servo amplifier operated in MR-J3-B compatibility mode with SSCNETIII/H compatible controller, you have to change it to J4 mode using MR-J4(W)-B mode selection application.
- Product Name
- Series
- MELSERVO-J4, MR Configurator2