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Factory Automation

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  • No : 24703
  • Release Date : 2019/02/27 08:59
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Latch (backup) areas in the auxiliary relay (M), data register (D), and extended register (R) of the FX3G/FX3GC series

Which areas in the auxiliary relay (M), data register (D), and extended register (R) of the FX3G/FX3GC series can be latched?
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M384 to M1535 and D128 to D1099 can be latched.

M1536 to M7679, D1100 to D7999, and R0 to R23999 can be used as latch areas by installing an optional battery and setting parameters.

* Setting parameters using GX Works2
 On the Project view of the Navigation window, select "Parameter" → "PLC Parameter". Click the "PLC System(1)" tab, select the "Use the battery" checkbox under "Battery Mode", and execute the write to PLC function.
Product Name
Product Category
Main unit, Engineering Software, GX Developer, GX Works2, Accessories, Options

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