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Factory Automation

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  • No : 22111
  • Release Date : 2018/08/27 16:41
  • Update : 2018/09/07 13:05
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The LED indication of the 7-segment rotates (EcoWebServerIII).

What causes is assumed for rotating indication of the 7-segment LED on the server section of the EcoWebServerIII?
Category : 


Where any CompactFlash card (hereinafter referred to as CF card) other than that supplied with this product is inserted, an indication of the 7-segment LED on the server section of the EcoWebServerIII rotates. Insert the right CF card.
The production number of the EcoWebServerIII and that of the production number seal of the CF card is same.

CompactFlash is a registered trademark of SanDisk Corporation.
Product Name
Energy Saving Data Collecting Servers

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