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  • No : 22126
  • Release Date : 2018/08/27 16:41
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Setting of "Master / slave setting switch" (Model: EMU4-D65).

An error is indicated immediately after starting the Display Unit (Model: EMU4-D65) for the Energy Measuring Unit.
What kind of causes assumed?
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It is assumed that setting of "Master/Slave setting switch" at the bottom of the Display Unit (Model: EMU4-D65) for the Energy Measuring Unit is wrong. Perform settings as below depending on usages.

1. Set "Master (switch 1: OFF, switch 2: OFF)" where one Display Unit is connected to one Energy Measuring Unit.
2. Set one of Display Units as "Master (switch 1: OFF, switch 2: OFF)", other Display Units as "Slave (switch 1: ON, switch 2: OFF)" where plural (Maximum 7 units) Display Units are connected to one Energy Measuring Unit.
Product Name
Energy Measuring Units
EcoMonitor Plus

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