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- FAQ > Controllers > Programmable Controllers MELSEC > MELSEC-L Series > Simultaneous broadcast reception setting for built-in Ethernet port LCPU
Simultaneous broadcast reception setting for built-in Ethernet port LCPU
How do I configure the setting to receive simultaneous broadcast during socket communication of L series CPU with built-in Ethernet port?
- Category :
To receive simultaneous broadcast using UDP, set the parameters as follows.
- Destination IP Address: FF.FF.FF.FFh
- Destination Port No.: Other than FFFFh (Receives the data sent from the specified destination port number.)
: FFFFh (Receives the data sent from all destination port numbers.)
- Destination IP Address: FF.FF.FF.FFh
- Destination Port No.: Other than FFFFh (Receives the data sent from the specified destination port number.)
: FFFFh (Receives the data sent from all destination port numbers.)
- Product Name
- MELSEC-L Series
- Series
- L Series