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  • No : 24803
  • Release Date : 2019/03/27 12:12
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Sample program for CC-LINK communication (EcoMonitorPlus/EcoMonitorLight)

Are there CC-LINK communication sample programs for EcoMonitorPlus and EcoMonitorLight?
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Sample programs are described in Programming Manual.
Please refer to suitable programming manual depending on CC-Link version which you use.

・Energy Measuring Unit Programming Manual(CC-Link) For ver.1 remote device station
・Energy Measuring Unit Programming Manual(CC-Link) For ver.2 remote device station
・Energr Measuring Unit Programming Manual(CC-Link) For ver.1 remote device  
・Energr Measuring Unit Programming Manual(CC-Link) For ver.2 remote device  
The programming manual can be downloaded from this website.

Product Name
Energy Measuring Units
EcoMonitorPlus, EcoMonitorLight

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