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  • No : 24932
  • Release Date : 2019/04/23 07:21
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Number of FX3U-ENET-ADP Ethernet communication special adapters that can be connected to the FX3UC series

How many FX3U-ENET-ADPs can be connected to the FX3UC series?
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One FX3U-ENET-ADP can be connected at the last stage (left end) of adapters for the FX3UC series.
*The FX3U-ENET-ADP is a communication special adapter and occupies one communication channel.     
・ When the FX3U-ENET-ADP is used with the FX3UC-32MT-LT (-2) programmable controller, another expansion board/communication special adapter (including the FX3U-8AV-BD/FX3U-CF-ADP) can be used.     
・ When the FX3U-ENET-ADP is used with the FX3UC (D/DS/DSS) programmable controller, another communication special adapter (including the FX3U-CF-ADP) can be used.
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