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Factory Automation

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  • No : 23449
  • Release Date : 2018/09/14 15:06
  • Update : 2018/09/26 17:10
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IP address conflict error

When two GOT2000 series models and one PLC are connected by Ethernet, one GOT operates properly, and the other GOT displays the dialog "IP address conflict occurred."
How can this error be avoided?
Category : 


The IP address of the GOT is used for another device (including GOT) as well. Please change the IP address of the GOT to another one by one of the following methods.

1. Changing the IP address with the utility function of the GOT
 Select [IP Address] in [GOT basic set] to change the IP address.

2. Changing the IP address with GT Designer3 (GOT2000)
◆ For GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version1.175H or later
 (1) Select [Common] → [GOT Ethernet Setting] → [GOT IP Address Setting] → [Standard Port] from the menu to change the GOT IP address.

◆ For GT Designer3 (GOT2000) Version1.170C or earlier
 (1) Select [Common] → [Controller Setting] → [CH1] → [GOT Standard Ethernet Setting] from the menu to change the GOT IP address.

For the details, refer to the following.

・ GOT2000 Series User's Manual (Utility) (SH-081195ENG)
 "2.4 IP Address"
・ GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric Products) For GT Works3 Version1 (SH-081197ENG)
 "1.1.2 GOT Ethernet Setting"
Product Name
Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT
Product Category
GOT function (communication)
GOT2000 Series

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