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  • No : 22474
  • Release Date : 2018/09/03 17:28
  • Update : 2018/09/19 14:37
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Using Q series terminal blocks and connectors with MELSEC iQ-R series modules

Can I use Q series terminal blocks or connectors with MELSEC iQ-R series modules?
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You can use a Q series 18-point screw terminal block with a MELSEC iQ-R series terminal block type I/O module or analog module.
For a 40-pin connector type module, you can use the connector without any change.
However, for 37-pin D-sub connector type modules (QX81 and QY81P), change the connectors and wiring.
Product Name
MELSEC iQ-R Series
MELSEC iQ-R Series

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