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Factory Automation

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  • No : 22888
  • Release Date : 2018/09/03 17:30
  • Update : 2018/09/22 15:54
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How to paste values in the device batch monitor window into an Excel sheet

Is it possible to paste word data values displayed in the GX Developer's device batch monitor window into an Excel sheet as they are?
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Copy and paste operations cannot be carried out for values displayed in the device batch monitor window.
To paste the values into an Excel sheet, read the device memory.Follow the procedure below.

(1) Read the device memory using the Read from PLC window.
(2) In the Device Memory window, specify the range and copy it.
(3) Launch Excel and paste at any position in a sheet. The device name column cannot be copied.
     Edit it after copying data into the Excel sheet.
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Engineering Software
Software Package (GPP function)

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