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- FAQ > Drive Products > Inverters-FREQROL > FREQROL-F700 > CC-Link
I connected the inverter via CC-Link but the "NET" LED on the inverter's operation panel does not turn on.
How can I turn it on?
How can I turn it on?
- Category :
Set Pr.340 (Communication startup mode selection) to other than "0".
Also, set Pr.79 (Operation mode) to "0", "2", or "6".
Powering the inverter on automatically puts it in the NET mode and "NET" on the operation panel turns on.
Also, set Pr.79 (Operation mode) to "0", "2", or "6".
Powering the inverter on automatically puts it in the NET mode and "NET" on the operation panel turns on.
- Product Name
- Inverter, magnet motor drive
- Product Category
- Inverter
- Series
- FR-E700, FR-A700, FR-F700P, FR-F700