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  • No : 24922
  • Release Date : 2019/04/17 11:41
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Supported versions of the FX3G/FX3GC series main units for the CC-Link parameter settings of GX Works2

Which versions of the FX3G/FX3GC series main units support the CC-Link parameter settings of GX Works2?
Category : 


Ver2.00 or later is applicable. (GX Works2 with Ver. 1.87R or later is applicable.)
The version of main units can be checked with the last three digits of the data stored in the special register D8001 (PLC type and system version).
(Example) When the special register D8001 is monitored using GX Works2 and the numerical value stored in the D8001 is a decimal number "26200" ,the last three digits "200" represent the version. In this case, the version is Ver.2.00.
Product Name
Product Category
Main Unit

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